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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Having a dependable Electrician will speed up the water restoration process.

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

Window space and an outlet affected by water . Water damage can cause issues to the electrical outlets as well.

Water is a conductor of electricity and when it meets electrical wiring it can cause damage. Some damage can be short circuits and corrosion. Even after the water looks to be gone, moisture can still be trapped in the wiring causing rust and degradation of insulation. 

Floodwater also contains contaminants such as dirt, chemicals and sewage which can worsen damage to electrical systems.  Water can damage electrical components such as outlets, switches and circuit breakers. 

It is crucial to have a qualified electrician inspect your electrical system after a flood and make any necessary repairs.  

Don’t forget to call your SERVPRO® experts.  SERVPRO specializes in water damage restoration and has expertise in dealing with such situations. They can assess the damage, mitigate the risks, and restore your property to pre-flood conditions. Remember to be safe, avoid contact with floodwater and electrical outlets until professionals arrive.  

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