What our Customers say...

Why SERVPRO Testimonials

Prompt, thorough and fair!

Excellent, prompt, professional service. Very caring.

Talk about getting lucky calling these people!!! Wow! This company can not get a higher recommendation from me! Professional, thorough and completely trust worthy! Don't hesitate for a moment calling these folks for any of your concerns.

"An Excellent job.  It is nice to be mold free!" 

I worked with William Lunney and Micah Waddell at SERVPRO of Pinehurst/Moore & Montgomery Counties.
They were quick to respond at all times, continuously gave us updates/professional recommendations, and their team was able to take pictures of the water damage to send to the insurance company. I never wish a water disaster on anyone, but if it happens to your property, I would recommend SERVPRO of Pinehurst/Moore & Montgomery Counties every time!

Excellent, professional service! Wonderful staff that are a pleasure to work with. Would definitely use their services again, and absolutely recommend them.